The reality of what happens to women when abortion is criminalized




Stripped of her rights, a woman’s life changes when she ventures with her husband to remedy 

an impossible situation….

R.V has screened at the following festivals across the United States:


R.V has won the following awards:

Big Syn International Film Festival

-Special Mention Award

-Nomination People’s Choice

-Social Impact Award for Creative Activism

Flicks4Change Film Festival
-Voice4Change Award

Chain NYC Film Festival
-Best Actress

Kew Gardens Festival of Cinema
-Best Makeup/FX
-Nomination Best Actress
-Nomination Best Short Film

307 Film Festival

-Best Actress

-Nomination Best Director

ARULA Short Film Festival

Dances with Films

Unreasonable Shorts

Sidewalk Film Festival

Hollywood Short + Sweet Film Festival

Orlando Film Festival

Portland Film Festival

Indie Memphis Film Festival

Pembroke Taparelli Arts & Film Festival

Queens World Film Festival

Women Deliver Conference